For MP3 software Developers: ID3v1.2 informal format To begin with this v1.2 Tag is an informal standard used in a particular software that can be used by any software developer that chooses to. ID3v1.2 is not sanctioned or otherwise by ID3 organisation. ID3v1.2 purpose is to add small improvements to ID3v1.1 informal standard without breaking the ID3v1 informal standard The ID3v1.2 tag will not cause any issues in legacy decoders/players (old ones) * The improvements in v1.2 over ID3v1.1 are as follows: Tag entries Artist, Album/Title and Trackname are increased from 30 characters to 60 characters Comment is increased from 30 characters (28 with track position set in v1.1 tag) to 43 characters long. A new entry is created called Sub genre (it is not a byte index value as in v1.1) it is a text string value the user may decide upon. Sub genre entry is 20 characters long. * Purpose v1.2 does not conflict with other standards and is simply a simple patch to v1.1 to resolve tagging's two most often read complaints heard in the mp3 community of the v1 standard being: the main tag entries are too short and they want to use their own genre entry not the internal indexed ones. Being these are the two most common complaints they can be resolved within ID3v1 by using this v1.2 patch to it. v1.2 deals with those two common complaints not with any other consideration that is lesser to seldom requested by the majority of MP3 users Any requirements beyond that, users may be offered ID3v2 which entails a more comprehensive but enlarged tagging that is not compatible with ID3v1 at all, also requiring prompting of a user to decide between one or both types as v1.2 does not. As people insist CDDB or FreeDB is used to fill in Tags as a "must have" for software, what does not come off the CD lookups does not get put into mp3 files in most cases, this and other reasons excludes lyrics and binaries and other parts from ever seeing much light in mp3 tags, in the past or in the future. v1.2 is provided so the two most popular issues can be resolved in v1.1 to the majority of mp3 software users satisfaction without users having to decide on v1 and or v2 that is not cross compatible or backward compatible. And with the least amount of agony to developer as possible to satisfy users common complaint of v1 tagging. All files can be arbitrarily tagged with v1.2 without needing to prompt a user to decide as v1.2 tags will always show in v1 software. The effect of some v1 programs displaying the track position of v1.1 in comment was never a major issue and this is as likely to not cause any undue aggravation to a program user. * The structure of the ID3v1.2 tag creation programatically is as follows: It retains the original ID3v1.1 128Byte long tag as is with no modifications to that part. A program tagger allows insertion of more than original ID3v1.1 lengths into program editing fields. Taking the first part of the strings Artist, Album and Trackname at 30 characters (v1 limit) and then insert those into the existing v1.1 tag variables of the program. Then take the remainder of the string less the 30 removed for the v1.1 part of the tag and insert the remainder into the v1.2 part variables of the program. The v1.2 part is placed before the v1.1 part physically in the audio file and is also 128Bytes long as is the v1 Tag thus the total size os 256Bytes. The ID3v1.2 part of the tag is the same format and size as the v1.1 layout as above but with these exceptions. The v1.2 part has no extra field for year and has no byte set to indicate genre, these entries are unchanged from v1.1 Not having these in the v1.2 part leaves 5 characters of string space that is used toward the Subgenre string entry in ID3v1.2 part. Artist, Album/Title, Trackname are the same in v1.2 part as in v1.1 part at 30 characters long they simply hold the string that exists after the first 30 that are stored in v1.1 part to make 60 total. Comment in v1.2 part is reduced to 15 from 30 and has no track position in the comment v1.2 part, the 15 left over is also used for the Subgenre text entry so it becomes 20 characters long in total. Comment in the v1.2 part at 15 characters plus 28 from the v1.1 part (less two for track position) makes the 43 characters for comment total. The string used to delimit v1.1 tag is "TAG" as before The string used to delimit or indicate the position of is "EXT" (for extended) So the first string entry in ID3v1.2 is EXT followed by the v1.2 parts at 128bytes long then TAG followed by the v1.1 parts at 128bytes long also total. This ensures all v1.1 players will read v1.1 tag as always without breaking the player even though v1.2 is used. The 128bytes of the v1.1 part are in the same position as before at the end of the file after the v1.2 part, as the tag is read from the end of the file backwards to the string TAG in all players so they will all read the v1.1 part as is, those modified for v1.2 look the same distance again further back in the file for the string EXT. This is a sample of an ID3v1.2 Tag string as found in a file. Each entry is fixed length(), year is 4, comment includes track position EXTexttrackname(30) exartist(30) exalbum/title(30) excomment(15) SubGenre(20) TAGtrackname(30) artist(30) album/title(30) yearcomment(28) 1 To build the string Put EXT Put last half of trackname Put last half of artist Put last half of album Put last 15 characters of comment Put sub genre text Put TAG (remainder as normal for v1.1) Put first half of trackname Put first half of artist Put first half of album Put year Put first part of comment Put track pos (in 29 and 30 of comment) Put genre byte The entire v1.2 Tag should be exactly twice the size of the v1.1 tag and is placed in the same way at the end of the file. * Where to put the tag The v1.2 tag can be inserted on the end of an MP3 file as with ID3v1.1 however there are some considerations. For Player, Rippers and Tagger there is no real issue as a Player and Tagger will read from the TAG delimiting only and should not edit behind that area in any case according to any commonly used standard so it should be safe, otherwise a v1.1 tagger will modify only the first 30 of the three main tag entries used and that may cause a problem redisplayed in a v1.2 program but only if the entries are in fact originally longer than 30 for the main three anyway. In mp3 direct editor programs that scan an fix mp3 frame fault and tag faults etc depending on where the tag is placed they will report a fault in the file, either in the last frame as it is larger or in the last frame as half of the tag is inserted inside the last frame boundary. In any case the program should ignore the EXT entry as it does with the TAG entry when analysing MP3 frames and file and or display the v1.2 tag. * Issues As you will no doubt realise if a v1.1 supporting player, tagger opens a file tagged with v1.2 it will not display the EXT section. This will result in cropped output, this is only if the entries are in fact longer than 60 (43 for comment). The other aspect is the non display if sub genre in this case but is not an issue. It will however still display the 30 which in most or many cases is all that is entered. Implementation by other software developers would lessen this effect of course and it is designed with this very much in mind and in such a way as not to cause any particularly ungood effects, not to consume more than a short amount of time to implement in a software and using your own existing v1.1 code copied and pasted with some minor modifications. Yes it could be better but it would take longer, it would be more complex and that in the past has not been good for uniform implementations in all programs in tagging to the same format. To get v1.2 format wrong would be difficult for any mp3 software developer. Feel free to distribute this document. © Copyright BirdCage Software © 2002-2003 The creator retains copyright to this document only and makes no other claims.